
Paid Memberships Pro – Extra Expiration Warning Emails Add On


Send more than one customized “membership expiration warning” email to users with PMPro.

How it Works

By default, Paid Memberships Pro will send members an email notice 7 days prior to their expiration date. Use this add on to send notifications at additional intervals. It also allows you to set a custom email message for each additional interval (i.e. send a custom message at the 30 day and 60 days from expiration point).


  1. Upload the ‘pmpro-extra-expiration-warning-emails’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory of your site.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Update the $emails array to change when the additional emails are sent and to define a custom template file, if desired.

NOTE: The first few times this code runs, it will send expiration notices to members expiring up to and including each level. For example, if 30, 60, 90 day notices are set up:

  • members expiring within 30 days will receive the 30 day notice
  • members expiring within 31 to 60 days will receive the 60 day notice
  • members expiring within 61 to 90 days will receive the 90 day notice

  • Last Updated:
    October 5, 2020
  • Version:
  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.9.x,
  • License:
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