A WooCommerce extension that transforms variation dropdowns to nice looking swatches. Color, image and label swatches available. Image swatches will automatically be applied for variation color attributes that contains an image.
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce allows you to add multiple gallery images for each variation and when visitor selects the variation those gallery images will be shown as gallery images instead of main product gallery images.
With a friendly and easy-to-use interface, you can add a default color, image or label to each attribute in the attribute management page. It can also help you pick the right style for quick-add attribute right inside the editing product page.
If a color attribute is associated with a variation image, image swatches can automatically be applied.
- Live Preview Customizer (All Options)
- Attribute types: (Dropdown, Label, Color, Image)
- Customize options for single product / archives independently
- Automatically convert Dropdowns to Label Swatch by default
- Automatically convert Color Dropdowns to Image Swatch
- Attribute Label Position (Above / Before Swatches)
- Hide Attribute Label
- Hide Variation Reset Link
- Attribute Quick Edit Supported
- Swatch Styles: (Square, Circle, Rounded)
- Adjust Swatch (Width, Height, Alignment)
- Adjust Swatches Container Spacing
- Adjust Swatch Vertical & Horizontal Gap
- Adjust Swatch (Width, Height, Font Size, Colors)
- Enable Tooltip (Text or Image)
- Adjust Tooltip Background & Text Color
- Adjust Tooltip Image Size
- Adjust Tooltip Border Size & Radius
- Override global swatch settings within product page
- Mix swatch types for the same product. ex. Image / Color
- Enable Catalog Mode
- Support display in Quick Views