
WP Job Manager Field Editor


Add, edit, or disable any default or custom fields.  Auto-populate, additional field types, limit files uploaded, reCAPTCHA, max selections, show/hide based on package, field validation, video tutorials, and more!

Product Description

WP Job Manager Field Editor is the only plugin that will allow you to completely customize all form fields for WP Job Manager.  Not only will you be able to customize all of the default fields for submitting job posts, but you will also be able to create your own custom fields as well.  Want to change the wording for the label of a default field?  Maybe you want to change the placeholder (text inside input field), or disable it completely, well WP Job Manager Field Editor does all of that and more! You can also now completely customize the way custom fields are output, use the Automatic Output feature or integrated Widget with numerous output types (oEmbed, Video, Link, etc).

Every license includes 1 year of unlimited support, and updates. There is no requirement to renew the license unless you would like support or upgrades after the 1 year period. Plugin will still function as normal after the year of updates and support expires.

This plugin is still actively developed, and has been receiving consistent bug fixes, updates, and new features, for the past 2+ years. Check out the Change Log to see for yourself.

Don’t forget to check out the reviews and testimonials to see how happy other clients are with both the plugin, and support provided! Click on the Reviews tab to see actual user reviews (actual customers, reviews are not fake or paid for).


  • Create unlimited custom JobCompany, and Resume Fields, using any of the available field types:
    Range Slider, Number Spinner, Text Box, Text Area, WP Editor, Dropdown, Phone, File Upload, Password Text Box, Date Picker (jQuery UI), Range & Multiple Date Picker (flatpickr), Time Picker (flatpickr), Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Multiselect, HTML, Section Header, Action Hook, HTML5 Email, HTML5 Tel, HTML5 URL, etc..
  • Completely customize default JobCompany, and Resume Fields ( edit, disable, view, etc )
  • Numerous settings including admin onlymaxlengthplaceholderrequiredajax file upload, multiple file upload and more!
  • Taxonomy Field Types ( Checklist, Multi-Select Dropdown [jQuery Chosen], Dropdown ) – Requires WP Job Manager >= 1.14.0
  • Save date field types using your pre-defined or custom formats (epoch, MySQL DATETIME, etc)
  • Backup, and Restore Fields
  • Automagically set the Featured Image of listing by using featured_image meta key
  • Label and Description for fields support HTML (so you can do things like add required checkbox field that says “Yes, I agree to the Terms and Conditions” in the description, and more!)
  • Custom caching built-in, no excessive added load or db queries!
  • Numerous Video Tutorials available!

Field Features

  • Field Validation using HTML5 pattern attribute (ie require field to be just numbers, or specific format, etc.  Uses regex so is completely customizable)
  • Automatic Populate any field from user meta (or any other source using filter) on submit Job/Resume page, with default value support. Works in admin section and frontend.
  • Sort Options (Dropdown, Radio, etc) via Drag and Drop interface
  • Limit number of files allowed to be uploaded in file upload field (on a per field basis)
  • Limit maximum file upload size (on per field basis)
  • Limit max selections of multi-select fields (taxonomy and standard)
  • Output field label instead of value option (for field types with options, Dropdown, Radio, etc)
  • Output As LINK support for taxonomies (links to archive page)
  • Output As LINK only show filename as caption (if custom is not defined)
  • Output As LINK set link with mailto (if value to output is email address)
  • Show/Hide fields based on selected package (requires WooCommerce Paid Listings, see below)

Additional Included Features

  • Google reCAPTCHA on bottom of Job, Resume, and/or Application submit listing page (if enabled)
    (Available reCAPTCHA settings include theme, size, type, and language)
    Language can be forced to specific language, or automatically from WordPress  get_locale()
  • Customize Submit Button label/caption on submit listing page
  • Customize “(optional)” label on fields or use custom label for required fields
  • All custom fields searchable through keywords like core fields
  • Completely Ajax (no page reloads)
  • PHP Warning FREE! (I test all plugins to make sure there is no debug output from PHP warnings)

Output Features

  • Integrated Widget to display custom fields as standard text, image, link, HTML5 Video, or oEmbed ( YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, etc )
  • Automatic output configuration for each custom field on Job/Resume listing ( Top of Listing, Bottom of Listing, Meta Start, Meta End, and more … )
  • Automatic Output as standard valuelinkimageHTML5 Video, WordPress Image Gallery, or oEmbed (YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, etc) with numerous location options (including priority support)
  • Output fields with Shortcode or PHP Function

Custom Theme Compatibility

  • Auto output support for Jobify theme (~9+ locations)
  • Auto output support for Listify theme (~21+ locations) – with Listify 2.0+ support
  • Auto output support for Jobera theme (~5+ locations)
  • Auto output support for WorkScout theme (~4 locations)
  • Support for Listable theme
  • Support for WorkScout theme
  • Numerous compatibility handling for both Jobify and Listify theme by Astoundify

Custom Plugin Compatibility

    • WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin)
    • Polylang

Polylang and WPML supports dynamic field values through String Translation (automatically added and registered by plugin)

  • FacetWP (all fields shown in FacetWP data source, auto indexing, etc)
  • WooCommerce 3.0+ (compatible with 2.6+)
  • WooCommerce Paid Listings support for Job and Resume Listings ( configure fields to show only on specific packages )
  • WooCommerce Advanced Paid Listings
  • Astoundify Listing Payments
  • WP Job Manager Job Tags support and handling
  • WP Job Manager Products
  • WP Job Manager Resume Manager (requires version 1.11.0+ for compatibility with WP Job Manager 1.22.0+)
  • WP Job Manager Visibility
  • WP Job Manager Emails

Any theme or plugin listed under custom theme/plugin compatibility lists have specific code added to this plugin for support and handling. There are numerous other plugins and themes this plugin is compatible with. The lists above are only for themes/plugins that custom support has been added for.

Misc Features

  • Fully documented code ( PHP Doc )
  • Coded following WordPress PHP Standards ( CSS/JS only loads on plugin pages, code style, etc )
  • Translations included ( French, German, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Portuguese, Arabic, and Spanish )
  • Other translations available upon request

  • Last Updated:
    October 13, 2020
  • Version:
  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.9.x,
  • License:
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