WordPress Online Contract is the original plugin that allows you to create, manage, and save contracts online through WordPress. You can customize contracts using flat text files and shortcodes and view revisions of your existing contracts. Give your clients a way to view and sign your contracts online in one place.
Completely responsive for any device. Send your clients your contract online and give them the opportunity to view, sign, save, and print from any location and any device. Get started faster and more efficiently with WordPress Online Contract.
This one-of-a-kind plugin was created with your client in mind. Use our system to maintain and manage your contracts and give your clients ease of mind in a professional way. We have used a flat file type system for years and integrated our system into a fully loaded plugin that is completely manageable from WordPress at the click of a button.
- Stripe: Purchase Our Stripe Payment Addon
- More coming soon
Online Documentation: View Online Documentation
- ADDED REQUIRED FIELDS TO CONTRACTS Add a set of required fields to a contract that the user must complete before signing. You can set any shortcode field to be required on a contract before signing.
- ADDED PRINT NAME You can specify if you want a user to print their name on a contract before they can sign.
- BETTER UPDATE AND AUTHENITICATION Directly integrated with APIs to better authenticate and store purchase codes. More streamlined update functionality.
- PHP7 INTEGRATION Updated core code to work with newer servers and WordPress installations.
- MODIFY CONTRACT PERMALINK Setup your contract to work on the links you want. You are no longer limited to the /contract/ permalink.
- AUDIT LOG Every time a contract is signed, reopened, or changed a audit log is created.
- VIEW OPTIONS Once a contract is signed, you can still see the values but cannot edit until the contract is reopened.
- GUTENBERG READY Added functionality to use Gutenberg editor with contract display shortcodes.
- ADD NOINDEX / NOFOLLOW Added noindex / nofollow to contract to prevent search engine indexing.
- THEME COMPATIBLE Contract can either be displayed in your theme or without header and footer to display only a white page.
- BETTER JS HANDLING Integrated directly into WordPress’s core functionality for processing JS requests.
- CREATE YOUR OWN TEMPLATES Use WordPress’s built in editor create your own contract template.
- AUTOMATIC EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Send email notifications to your clients automatically with the check of a box.
- CREATE REUSABLE CONTRACTS Have users sign a contract without creating the contract multiple times. Example: Terms of Service Aggreement
- SIGNED / UNSIGNED STATUSES get visible indication of your contract’s status from the dashboard, contract list, and individual contract edit screens.
- CUSTOM SHORTCODES Add your own shortcodes.
- REORDER SHORTCODES Reorder new or previously created shortcodes
- DEFAULT SHORTCODES Quickly load and use the default shortcodes as seen in our demo
- PRINT CONTRACTS ONLINE Once signed, your client and print their contract and even pay the initial balance.
- PASSWORD PROTECTED Contracts can be password protected easily using WordPress’s built-in feature
- SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATION IP address and client timestamp are saved and displayed when a client signs online so you can track where and where it was signed
- FULLY RESPONSIVE Allows for any device to be used in creating, editing, or signing a contract online.
- UNLIMITED POTENTIAL Create unlimited templates, unlimited contracts, unlimited custom shortcodes.
- REOPEN CONTRACTS Remove a signature to reopen a contract for changes.
- CLIENT INITIATED CONTRACTS Add a simple shortcode to any page on your site to add a form and get a notification when a client creates their own contract
- GET PAID QUICKLY Have multiple payment methods including Stripe, Authorize.net, Dwolla, and Skrill as an addon. PayPal comes free with our plugin!
- REDIRECT AFTER SIGNING Create redirects to send the client to a new page when they sign their contract
- SEND LINK TO PDF AFTER SIGNING Once a contract is signed by your client, they will receive a email with a direct link to the printable PDF
- JUST WANT A PRINTABLE CONTRACT? Remove signature window to give your clients a downloadable offline version
- CONTRACT CATEGORIES Organize your contracts into categories just like WordPress posts
- CONTRACT EMBED Embed functional contracts on any page you want using a shortcode