We whole recognize the advantages over displaying pictures as an alternative on simple description textual content and ye execute trip the identical improving impact salvo thou usage video or audio content, specifically for those products because as an photograph is no longer enough, such so videogames, computer programmes and music.
Using a video because of your merchandise alternatively of pics might stay entirely useful after present your objects into a higher way, however it becomes particularly useful when it comes after digital products, certain as much programmes, video video games and such, where a picture is no longer enough in imitation of exhibit their strengths at the best.
And what postulate you sell music? Nothing may stay a proper preview of you production however an audio file. And nearly e-commerce subject matters enable you in conformity with conjoin solely images.
But, slave now not despair, at last whole it is possible or easy with YITH WooCommerce Featured Audio and Video Content, a plugin so much wish pass you attach an audio bring and a video to you product among location on the featured image. It supports the close common audio then video codecs yet keep certain so thy store pleasure benefit a fascicle beside it precedential feature.
Do not await a second greater according to strive it!